12.11.2024, 19:00
League, matchday 3
Stadion Ceuta
5 929

Match Report

3 - 8
Isidoro Endoso (29.)
Alba Lucero (59.)
Ismael Moretta (81.)
Mauro Espinoz (6.)
Charro Pedreiro (27.)
Eloy Zhili (33.)
Mauro Espinoz (48.)
Beinvenido Pena (50.)
Charro Pedreiro (54.)
Bonifaco Jover (58.)
Bonifaco Jover (62.)

RCD Ceuta has not submitted any formation.

UD Torrelavega has not submitted any formation.

RCD Ceuta UD Torrelavega

The match is completed.

Minute 91
Frasco Jimenez has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 90
Bonifaco Jover in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 86
Ismael Moretta in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 85
Ismael Moretta steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 83
Charro Pedreiro tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 81
Ismael Moretta tritt den direkten Freistoß und trifft!
Minute 81
Charro Pedreiro hits his opponent and gets the yellow card for that.
Minute 81
Charro Pedreiro lets taken away the ball.
Minute 80
Eloy Zhili passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 79
Ismael Moretta tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 78
Ecke für RCD Ceuta. Benito Fanego spielt auf Ismael Moretta...
Minute 78
Ambrosio Unzues has the chance to shoot... and cannot even target the goal.
Minute 77
Gabino Guevara passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 76
Gabino Guevara runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 75
Angel Escudero in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 74
Cross by Angel Escudero... into the clouds!
Minute 73
Ambrosio Unzues in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 71
Ismael Moretta shoots... into the sky.
Minute 69
Beinvenido Pena passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 66
Benito Fanego passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 65
Beltran Romero tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 64
Gregorio Avellanos has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 62 - Goal!
Tooor für UD Torrelavega! Mauro Espinoz legt auf Bonifaco Jover ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 59 - Goal!
Alba Lucero shoots..... GOAL!
Minute 58 - Goal!
Bonifaco Jover shoots..... GOAL!
Minute 57
Bonifaco Jover runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 56
Calvino Santana hits his opponent and gets the yellow card for that.
Minute 56
Bonifaco Jover runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 55
Calvino Santana passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 54 - Goal!
Tooor für UD Torrelavega! Eloy Zhili legt auf Charro Pedreiro ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 52
Ismael Moretta runs towards Eloy Zhili... and looses the ball.
Minute 50 - Goal!
Goal by Beinvenido Pena!
Minute 49
Cross by Calvino Santana... into the clouds!
Minute 48 - Goal!
GOAL - what a trick by Mauro Espinoz!
Minute 47
Mauro Espinoz runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!

Half-time break! Score: 1:3

Minute 45
Frasco Iroz passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 44
Frasco Iroz steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 42
Elvio Gozales has the chance to shoot... and cannot even target the goal.
Minute 39
Bonifaco Jover passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 38
Pablo Torres tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 37
Pablo Torres steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 35
Gregorio Avellanos tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 33
Eloy Zhili tritt den direkten Freistoß und trifft!
Minute 33
Isidoro Endoso springt von hinten in die Beine seines Gegenspielers und sieht sofort die Rote Karte.
Minute 33
Beltran Romero in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 29 - Goal!
Tooor für RCD Ceuta! Frasco Jimenez legt auf Isidoro Endoso ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 27 - Goal!
Tooor für UD Torrelavega! Eloy Zhili legt auf Charro Pedreiro ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 25
Eloy Zhili runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 24
Cross by Charro Pedreiro... into the clouds!
Minute 19
Charro Pedreiro steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 18
Beltran Romero passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 16
Elvio Gozales in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 14
Eloy Zhili passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 12
Bonifaco Jover in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 9
Cross by Mauro Espinoz... into the clouds!
Minute 8
Gregorio Avellanos passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 6 - Goal!
Tooor für UD Torrelavega! Angel Escudero legt auf Mauro Espinoz ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 4
Elvio Gozales passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 2
Gregorio Avellanos has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.

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