Yesterday, 21:00
Cup, TAK KUP - 1 (Round 2)
Camp Nou
20 084

Match Report

3 - 0
Hyde Boyle (29.)
Williams Wigley (55.)
Anthony Stevens (63.)

West Bromwich City has not submitted any formation.

BARCA BALKAN West Bromwich City

The match is completed.

Minute 90
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 89
Edward James shoots... but the goalkeeper can somehow catch it.
Minute 87
Campbell Terry in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 83
Jack Wayne shoots... but the goalkeeper can turn the ball around the goalpost.
Minute 82
Bob Foster in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 81
Ethan Gibbson tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 79
Freistoß für West Bromwich City! Campbell Terry schießt, aber zu ungenau.
Minute 79
Gary Carrol gets the yellow card after a foul.
Minute 79
Buchanan Carter steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 78
White Richards passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 77
Edward James lets taken away the ball.
Minute 73
Buchanan Carter shoots towards the goal... but into the arms of the goalkeeper!
Minute 72
Cross by Gary Carrol... into the clouds!
Minute 65
David Cook hits his opponent and gets the yellow card for that.
Minute 65
David Cook in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 64
Stephen Brick tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 63
Anthony Stevens tritt den direkten Freistoß und trifft!
Minute 63
Campbell Terry is shown the yellow card.
Minute 63
Gary Carrol steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 61
Buchanan Carter runs towards White Richards... and looses the ball.
Minute 59
Tobias Herzog runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 59
Substitution! Daniel Sharp in Brian Gibbson out.
Minute 58
Williams Wigley tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 57
Ecke für BARCA BALKAN. Anthony Stevens spielt auf Williams Wigley...
Minute 57
Robert Rogers shoots... but the goalkeeper can somehow catch it.
Minute 56
Stephen Brick tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 55 - Goal!
Tooor für BARCA BALKAN! White Richards legt auf Williams Wigley ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 51
Bob Foster has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 50
Ethan Gibbson passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 49
Fisher Begum lets taken away the ball.
Minute 46
Edward James has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.

Half-time break! Score: 1:0

Minute 44
Anthony Stevens has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 43
Substitution! Williams Wigley in Gary Brown out.
Minute 41
Campbell Terry tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 40
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 40
White Richards passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 39
Ecke für BARCA BALKAN. Anthony Stevens spielt auf White Richards...
Minute 39
White Richards shoots... but the goalkeeper can turn the ball around the goalpost.
Minute 38
Campbell Terry lets taken away the ball.
Minute 36
Campbell Terry has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 35
Buchanan Carter passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 34
Gary Carrol passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 33
Gary Carrol in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 32
Edward James in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 31
Gary Carrol has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 29 - Goal!
Hyde Boyle shoots..... GOAL!
Minute 28
Edward James tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 25
Brian Gibbson tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 24
Cross by David Cook... into the clouds!
Minute 20
Gary Carrol passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 19
Tobias Herzog passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 18
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 17
Hyde Boyle passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 16
Hyde Boyle steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 15
Gary Brown tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 13
David Cook tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 10
Gary Carrol passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 9
Edward James passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 8
Gary Brown tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 6
Gary Carrol steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 5
Cross by Gary Brown... into the clouds!
Minute 2
Cross by Fisher Begum... into the clouds!
Minute 1
Ethan Gibbson tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!

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[06.11.2024, 22:01] BARCA BALKAN - AFC Darlington
Romano: Odlično odigrano
[06.11.2024, 22:01] BARCA BALKAN - AFC Darlington
Romano: Svaka čast karlo
[06.11.2024, 21:44] BARCA BALKAN - AFC Darlington
Miriši na fritulu: alo maliiiii

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